As part of the worldwide celebration of the 4th International Yoga Day in June 2018, Global Indian International School Surat, celebrated the event with ample of zeal and zest on a delightful Thursday morning.
In order to showcase the benefits of yoga and keep the children physically fit, mentally sound and spiritually awakened, an event was conducted wherein the students of Grade 5 to Grade 12 eagerly participated in manifold yoga exercises and Aasanas on the school campus under the expert guidance of the teachers present there.
The celebration commenced with a Shlok while the school choir soulfully recited the lines of the Saraswati Vandana which was soothing to the ears. This was followed by several warm up exercises and Aasanas such as the Surya namaskar, Vruksha Asana, Trikon Asana, Shashank Asana, Pawan mukta Asana and the Chakra Asana etc.
The teachers made sure that the dimensions of the seating arrangements were sequential and photogenic. And as the event came to a close, the students pledged to continue practicing Yoga with the aim of maintaining their mind and body balance.
B.K.S. Iyengar, the founder of the style of yoga known as "Iyengar Yoga" once rightly said that, "Yoga is a light, which once lit, will never dim. The better your practice, the brighter the flame."
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