Namaste Dear All
The year is about to end and this is the right time to sit back and analyse the year which is about to pass by. 2020 was a year full of challenges which compelled us to break with old patterns and be familiarized with the new normal. As it is shown in the Image above what finally matters is that we did successfully and fruitfully completed this year at GIIS.
If we look back we see that the new academic year began with lockdown and 2020 is about to end and yet students have not come to school in India. But despite this the learning did not stop, the teaching did not stop, the activities did not stop, the fun did not stop, the inter-GIIS competitions did not stop and even Global Indian International School did not stop winning prizes for quality. We are proud to say that GIIS has been declared as the best CBSE School by the Ministry of Education.
2020 was a year of accomplishments for us despite challenges. This month our students celebrated Mathematics Day and celebrated Christmas. Our Pre-primary kids even celebrated their Sports Day and enjoyed it thoroughly. Students of class 1 to 9 and 11 completed their exams. Teachers underwent different trainings and attended workshops to enhance their skills and knowledge.
At the end of this year, we pray to God that 2021 be a very smooth year for everyone. We pray that students start coming to school. We pray that each and everyone on this entire globe be healthy and happy. I wish you a very happy New Year in advance.
God bless you all.
Rachana Sharma
Global Indian International School, Surat
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