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August 29, 2017

GIIS Surat hosts Inter-GIIS poster making competition on Independence Day

Sensory Week_GIIS Hadapsar

To mark the importance and value of Independence in one’s life, Global Indian International School (GIIS), Surat hosted the inter-GIIS poster making competition on the topic “India’s path towards economic freedom”. It was a national competition where all GIIS campuses in India i.e. Bangalore, Ahmedabad, Chinchwad, Indore, Surat and Noida took part to bring forth their ideas and views through colourful posters.

There were two categories for students to participate according to their age groups. The first was for grades 6-8 students and the second was for grades 9-12. Each campus had to send two best entries per category, making a total of four entries per campus. Each campus had to follow a set of rules laid i.e. all the pictures have to be uploaded on the Facebook page created for the competition.

It was a weeklong challenge where children had to create posters on the above mentioned theme and post on the Facebook page with appropriate description and hash tags. The final judgement was given by Mr. Mayur Rastogi (Marketing Head, GIIS India) and Mr. Rajesh Daoo (Deployment Manager - GISES) after analysing the entries on rubrics like relevance to the theme, colour scheme, clarity of the message put forth, etc.

The objective behind conducting this competition was to allow students of GIIS campuses across India with an opportunity to use their imagination creatively and craft real time art works that depict true economic growth of our country along with its ill effects.

Speaking on the occasion, Ms. Sunita Jaisingh said – “GSE competitions are a way of enhancing our students’ knowledge and implementation skills through live projects. They get to brainstorm their minds to find out of the box ideas, and then use those ideas to craft live models of great substance and meaning.”

The results of the competition were as follows:

 Name of the Campus
Category 1 : Grades 6-8
GIIS Bangalore & GIIS Indore
GIIS Chinchwad
GIIS Noida
Category 2 : Grades 9-12
GIIS Chinchwad
GIIS Noida & GIIS Surat
GIIS Ahmedabad
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