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March 13, 2024

Through “My Learning Checkpoints”, GIIS Hadapsar focuses on building connections and promoting collaborative learning

GIIS Hadapsar recently organized a special event, My Learning Checkpoints, tailored for kindergarten students to foster a sense of community and enhance their learning journey. The event stood to be a remarkable platform for students to engage in various checkpoints covering English, Mathematics, Cultural Studies, and Montessori activities.


One of the event's highlights was its emphasis on recognizing each child's own pace of learning. Through regular observation and constructive feedback, teachers provided undeniable support that ensured effective progress. This approach not only facilitated academic growth but also instilled a sense of confidence and motivation among the young learners.


The enthusiastic participation of the children resulted in a lively and enjoyable learning experience. It promoted a positive attitude towards education and meaningful connections among students, parents, teachers, and the wider school community.

GIIS Hadapsar successfully nurtured a spirit of workmanship and mutual support by reinforcing learning checkpoints in a collaborative setup. Such initiatives contribute to the academic development of students and cultivate a strong sense of belonging within the school community.


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