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March 10, 2023

The Beyond Education Experience At GIIS Hadapsar Through Hands-On Learning

Beyond the world of education lies a world of experiences that can only be attained through hands-on learning. While traditional education provides theoretical knowledge, hands-on learning offers a practical understanding of concepts, providing an opportunity to explore and learn beyond the four walls of a classroom.


Hands-on learning can instill a sense of curiosity and creativity in students as they explore and experiment with different approaches towards solving problems. This curiosity and creativity can lead to innovation and contribute to the development of new skills and qualities.


Thinking Thursday and Math Magic activities are perfect examples of hands-on learning with new experiences. Students are introduced to basic concepts in a fun and interactive way. Activities are planned in such a way that our students are deeply  thorough with each subject. 


Math Magic in the month of February included introducing measuring concepts to GMP students. To perform the activity, students used different objects like their stuffed toys, blocks or balls to measure the height of their peers. This activity helped students in understanding the concepts of measurements and its uses in daily life. 


 In Thinking Thursday activities, children were introduced to magnets and taught about its properties. They were ecstatic to get to know the phenomenon of MAGNETISM; a force of nature just like electricity or gravity. Students were introduced to metal objects like coins, clips, toy cars, etc. For the experiment, children were to move the objects on the chart paper on a designed pathway with the help of the magnets. 


By providing practical understanding, fostering problem-solving skills, and instilling curiosity and creativity, hands-on learning can open doors to new opportunities and contribute to personal development.


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