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January 23, 2024

Makar Sankranti extravaganza at GIIS Hadapsar; campus soars with kite-making and flying competition

The GIIS Hadapsar campus was buzzing with excitement as the school community came together to celebrate Makar Sankranti through a unique kite-making and flying competition. This event aimed to blend creativity, tradition, and the joy of ushering in new beginnings.


The Guest of Honor, Ms. Sangeeta Bhuyan, the Primary Wing Coordinator, graced the occasion with her presence and added a special touch to the festivities. The half-hour kite-making competition witnessed an explosion of creativity, with parents and participants crafting vibrant kites. The atmosphere was charged with energy and enthusiasm, fueled by the spirit of the festival.


The event's momentum was kept alive by the comparator, offering timely words of encouragement as participants showcased their best within the limited time frame. Ms. Sangeeta Bhuyan led the panel of judges during the evaluation, considering criteria such as creativity, imagination, color combinations, and timely completion.


The announcement of winners was met with anticipation, and the joyous applause celebrated the creative accomplishments of the participants. Certificates and medals were presented by the respected Principal, Dr. D Lakshmi Prasanna, adding a touch of prestige to the award ceremony and acknowledging the hard work and creativity of the participants.


As the event concluded, the school grounds not only adorned the colorful kites but also smiles and a sense of accomplishment among the community. The fusion of tradition and creativity, coupled with the guidance of Ms. Sangeeta Bhuyan and Dr. D Lakshmi Prasanna Ma’am, made the Makar Sankranti celebration a memorable and enriching experience for all. The spirit of the event will undoubtedly resonate within the school community until the next vibrant gathering.


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