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January 29, 2024

Global harmony unveiled at GIIS Hadapsar's 5th annual celebration

GIIS Smart Campus Hadapsar recently hosted a dazzling spectacle, marking the celebration of its 5th Annual Day. The event unfolded as a vibrant symphony that showcased the incredible talent, diversity, and unity within the GIIS family. The underlying theme of Vasudhaiv Kutumbakam came to life and embodied a grand celebration of global unity and interconnectedness.


The festivities began with a warm welcome from Yug Dhawan(X) and Ishita Gupta(X), representatives of the GIIS family. Their heartfelt expressions of joy and pride underscored the collective achievements of the students and the unwavering support from the dedicated staff and parents present in the audience.


As the evening progressed, the audience was treated to a mesmerizing classical dance performance. This artistic presentation not only showcased the grace and tradition of the timeless art form but also depicted stories to resonate with the rich cultural heritage of India. Each dance form became a thread, weaving a narrative that transcended boundaries and celebrated diversity.


A poignant moment of the event was the lamp lighting ceremony conducted by the Principal, Dr. D Lakshmi Prasanna. This symbolic gesture reinforced the school's commitment to dispelling darkness and fostering a positive environment, echoing the broader theme of unity and global harmony.

The 5th Annual Day celebrations at GIIS Smart Campus Hadapsar were a celebration of humanity, a reflection of shared aspirations, and a testament to the beauty of our interconnected world. The evening left an indelible mark, resonating with the spirit of Vasudhaiv Kutumbakam—where the entire world becomes one family.

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