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February 26, 2024

GIIS Hadapsar students exploring boundless curiosity at Qutuhal Season 5

At GIIS, nurturing curiosity has always been at the heart of our educational philosophy. We firmly believe that curiosity is the driving force behind discovery, inquiry, and learning. What makes curiosity so special is that the more it is exercised, the more it grows, and our young learners possess it in abundance.


In Sanskrit and Arabic, the word Qutuhal embodies the essence of curiosity. Through various activities designed to engage and challenge young minds, we provide them with the platform to explore, share ideas, and co-create, all while igniting their innate curiosity.


One such platform is Qutuhal, a virtual inter-school competition hosted annually by GIIS Dubai. In its remarkable fifth season, Qutuhal served the power of curiosity and innovation. With thousands of students representing diverse backgrounds across the UAE, Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, India, and across, this competition aimed at the boundless potential of participating young minds.


Students from GIIS Hadapsar eagerly participated in the weekly challenges, demonstrating exceptional enthusiasm and creativity. We are happy to share that Reyansh Jain (1B) received a 'Participation Certificate' for completing 10 challenges. On the other hand, Bhoumik Gulecha (5B) earned the prestigious 'Champion Award' in the Junior Category (Grades 3-5) at the Global Innovation and Entrepreneurship Fest. Bhoumik's consistent excellence over nine weeks of varied challenges is truly commendable.


We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Reyansh, Bhoumik, and all our students who participated in Qutuhal. Their achievements testifies their dedication, ingenuity, and commitment to excellence.


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