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February 26, 2024

GIIS Hadapsar puts up a showcase of talent, creativity, and innovation at Club Exhibition

Exhibitions serve as vibrant celebrations of human ingenuity, inspiration, and boundless creativity, offering platforms for students to display their knowledge and skills. At GIIS Hadapsar, the recently organized Club Exhibition for Grades 3 to 5 demonstrated the spirit magnificently.


Students from diverse hobby clubs including public speaking, math, science, art, dance & drama, music, and fireless cooking demonstrated their talents with remarkable confidence and enthusiasm. From engaging public speaking presentations to hands-on math demonstrations at vegetable stalls, from innovative scientific models to captivating dance performances, the exhibition was a testament to the students' multifaceted abilities.


Parents and guests were astonished by the students' accomplishments and praised the school staff for providing such a dynamic platform. They recognized the exhibition's role in fostering holistic development and enhancing students' confidence, creativity, and implementation skills.


The event showcased students' achievements and provided valuable learning experiences for students and teachers alike. It was a day filled with cheer, fun, and memorable moments, underscoring the importance of exhibitions in nurturing well-rounded individuals ready to embrace the challenges of the future.


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