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March 14, 2024

GIIS Hadapsar K2 students achieve a milestone in their academic journey

Graduation Day 2023-24 at GIIS Hadapsar Smart Campus for our K2 students was filled with smiles, cheers, and unforgettable moments. Students, parents, and teachers gathered to celebrate the achievements of the young KG graduates set to begin their formal education. The event was like a beautifully orchestrated symphony, with each class bringing its unique melody to the stage.

Parents beamed with pride as their children received their certificates, marking the end of one chapter and the beginning of another. The atmosphere was electric, with cheers echoing through the auditorium as each class was recognized for their hard work and accomplishments.

KG2 D stole the show with their infectious energy, earning them a special standing ovation from the crowd. From heartfelt speeches to entertaining performances, every moment of the day was a testament to the dedication and talent of the students.

As the day came to a close, there was a sense of excitement in the air as the graduates looked forward to the future. It was a day of celebration, unity, and shared joy—a day that will be remembered fondly by all who attended.

 Graduation Day 2024 was truly a day to cherish for the students, parents, and educators of GIIS Hadapsar Smart Campus.


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