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March 01, 2024

Facilitative and fascinating February at GIIS Hadapsar!!

Dear Parents,


“Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out.” Robert Collier

As we approach the culmination of yet another noteworthy academic year, I am thrilled to share with you the remarkable achievements and endeavours of our students in the past year.

At GIIS, we always strive to provide opportunities for our students to excel holistically. It is a pleasure to share some key highlights of the rich experiences that our students were part of! Our recently conducted Science Exhibition for Grades 1 to 8 showcased exceptional projects that displayed innovation and creativity and demonstrated a profound understanding of scientific concepts. It was truly inspiring to witness the students' proficiency in exploring different genres and presenting their ideas.
Our students also got a chance to explore and unleash their curiosity through Qutuhal, a virtual inter-school event. The Balewadi cricket squad got the privilege to witness the inspiring cricketing signature event, the Ranji Trophy. At the same time, our students of Grades 4 to 8 explored the rich heritage of India through an excursion trip to Delhi and Agra. We conducted informative sessions on tackling the challenges of adolescence and other experiential learning sessions including fire drills.

As we look forward to the next academic session, filled with new opportunities and challenges, I am excited about the journey ahead. I extend my heartfelt wishes to all our students as they embark on this next phase of their educational journey. With your continued support and encouragement, I am confident that they will continue to shine brightly and make us proud.

Best Regards,

Dr. D. Lakshmi Prasanna

Principal, GIIS Hadapsar


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