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February 26, 2024

Students engage in enriching activities celebrating Water Week

From February 5 to 9, GIIS East Coast Campus held its annual Water Week festivities, emphasising the importance of water conservation. Under the theme Ripples of Change: Nurturing Every Drop, students across all grades participated in engaging activities.

Students from all across grades engaged in various educational initiatives, including storytelling sessions, interactive displays on the water cycle, DIY water filtration experiments, and community awareness campaigns. Additionally, IBDP Year 1 students explored sustainable solutions to water conservation through project-based learning.

Among the myriad activities, Classes 1 and 2 delved into captivating storytelling sessions that intricately explored the significance of water conservation. Meanwhile, students from Classes 3 and 4 enthusiastically participated in an interactive water cycle display, crafting dioramas that vividly depicted the various stages of the water cycle. Placing notecards corresponding to each phase, they brought to life the intricate journey of water in its natural cycle.

Classes 5 and 6 embarked on an engaging DIY Water Filtration Activity, ingeniously crafting makeshift water filtration systems from everyday household items. Through practical experimentation, they grasped fundamental concepts while actively contributing to the ethos of water conservation. Students from Classes 7, 8, and 9 undertook the challenge of creating short community awareness campaigns through video storytelling, shedding light on prevalent water-related challenges within their surroundings.

IBDP Year 1 students delved into project-based learning, collaborating to propose and execute sustainable water conservation initiatives within their local community, highlighting the significance of practical, solution-driven approaches.

Further enriching the week's festivities, students across grades participated in a captivating Photography Exhibition themed "Aqua Visions – Capturing the Essence of Water," showcasing their creativity through evocative visual narratives.

The week culminated in a special assembly featuring guest speaker Mr Hardik Shah, who delivered a compelling speech on water sustainability. Overall, Water Week provided students with valuable insights and practical experiences in water conservation, fostering a deeper understanding of environmental responsibility.


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