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April 09, 2024

Reflections on a remarkable academic year

Dear Parents,

March—the arrival of spring, the beginning of all things beautiful. The lack of distinct seasons in Singapore does not deter us from experiencing this wonderful season in our hearts as we prepare for a new beginning.

It’s truly a new beginning as we prepare to welcome a new set of students and parents within the folds of our community. The previous batch of students—the 'seniors'—move further up the ladder, making way for the juniors. We bid a sad but essential farewell to the outgoing batch to allow them to spread their wings wider and soar higher. The cycle of life never ends.

As we draw an end to yet another academic year, this is also a time for me to express my sincerest gratitude to all the parents and the students for your constant presence in our lives. Thank you for your immense trust and generosity, and thank you for standing by us. The criticisms that come our way from you are carefully analysed and help us devise ways to overcome our shortcomings. So please continue to be critical, as a raw diamond needs polishing to sparkle.

As I look back fondly to the last academic year, I am engulfed by huge waves of emotions, choking me. I recall the various academic events where the GIIS EC students shone the brightest, the sports events that brought out the best in students—I marvel at the capabilities of the students, knowing very well that this year will be no different. This conviction comes from the quality of education we impart and how closely we monitor the progress of each student, ensuring they are polished and refined before they take on the world.

We are ever vigilant of the fine line that separates complacency from modesty.

See you in the new academic year…


CVK Sastry
Principal, East Coast Campus


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