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March 28, 2024

GIIS East Coast Campus hosts exciting day camp for the young learners

On March 15, 2024, GIIS East Coast Campus organised a day camp tailored to the interests of Grade 1 and 2 students, offering an array of engaging activities designed to combine fun and enrichment.

The adventure commenced with a trip to Mandai Bird Paradise, where students were enthralled by the captivating sights of diverse bird species and penguins. Upon their return to the campus, students refuelled with a satisfying lunch before immersing themselves in an enthralling art activity. The afternoon was filled with interactive games, dance sessions including rain dance, and treasure hunt fostering a sense of camaraderie and joy among the participants.

The day culminated in a heartwarming campfire gathering and dinner, providing students with the perfect opportunity to reflect on the day's experiences and bond with their peers in a relaxed and cosy atmosphere. Overall, the day camp provided an exceptional platform for students to forge lasting friendships, explore new horizons, and cultivate a love for learning beyond the traditional classroom setting.














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