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March 05, 2024

EC students address real-world problems at PYP Exhibition

The GIIS East Coast Campus hosted its annual Primary Years Programme (PYP) Exhibition on March 1, 2024. This event marked a significant milestone for the PYP 5 students, symbolising the culmination of their journey through the IB PYP curriculum. It was a powerful demonstration of their comprehensive development, highlighting not only their academic achievements but also their evolution into well-rounded individuals equipped to tackle the challenges of the real world.


The exhibition centred around six focal points: Poverty, Corruption in Sports, Mental Health Issues Stemming from Excessive Digital Engagement, Fast Fashion, Global Warming, and Discrimination. Engaging in deep, independent inquiry, the students embarked on a path of collaborative research to explore these issues, seeking solutions and taking meaningful steps to make a positive impact. This endeavour showcased their deep academic insights as well as their dedication to making a tangible difference in society.


The event received accolades from parents, who commended the students for their commitment and deep understanding of complex global challenges. The exhibition also captivated students from other grades and AIS teachers, extending its influence throughout the school community. This broad engagement underscored the exhibition's success in preparing students to engage with and contribute meaningfully to our global society, ready to address its complexities with knowledge, empathy, and action.


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