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March 29, 2024

Cultural immersion and learning: Students' expedition to Medan and Lake Toba

The Global Indian International School (GIIS) orchestrated a captivating educational journey to Medan and Lake Toba in March 2024, spanning four enriching days of exploration and discovery. As students arrived in Medan, they embarked on a scenic route towards Parapat, nestled along the shores of the majestic Lake Toba. 

Enroute, the landscape unfolded with picturesque vistas of palm oil and rubber plantations, punctuated by refreshing stopovers at quaint towns like Pematang Siantar. Following a delectable lunch, students embarked on a ferry ride to Samosir Island, where they delved into the rich cultural heritage of Ambarita Village, adorned with traditional Batak Toba architecture and historical landmarks.

Transitioning from the tranquil beauty of Parapat, students journeyed towards Berastagi, immersing themselves in the breathtaking scenery of the region. The day unfolded with a picturesque lakeside drive, offering glimpses of verdant pine forests and lush fruit farms. Stops at Simarjarunjung café viewpoint and the awe-inspiring Sipiso-piso waterfall provided students with unforgettable moments amidst nature's splendour. As evening descended upon Berastagi Hilltown, students relished in cultural exchanges and embraced the warmth of local hospitality, encapsulated within the comforting ambiance of Mikie Holiday Resort.

The final leg of the journey brought students to Medan, where they embarked on a captivating exploration of cultural landmarks and historical treasures. From the panoramic vistas of Gundaling Hill to the serene ambiance of Lumbini Buddhist Golden Pagoda, students were immersed in a tapestry of cultural experiences. The day culminated with visits to Annai Velangkanie Church and Rapha Orphanage, fostering empathy and compassion among the students. As the group bid farewell to Medan, enriched with newfound knowledge and cherished memories, the journey left an indelible mark on their hearts, igniting a lifelong appreciation for the cultural tapestry of Indonesia.


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