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June 03, 2023

A month of achievements and celebrations

Dear Parents,

The birth of a child marks not only the beginning of a new life but also the birth of a mother. Therefore, it doesn’t come as a surprise when we read George Washington, the first President of America, declaration about his mother - “My mother was the most beautiful woman I ever saw. All I am, I owe to my mother. I attribute all my success in life to the intellectual and physical education I got from her.”

Motherhood is a lifelong journey filled with enormous sacrifices and adjustments. Nothing escapes our eyes…. we know the hard decisions each mother has to take to make this arduous journey enriching and fruitful. In our most humble way, we saluted each and every mother of our community on Mothers’ Day by offering them something they cherished – undivided time to be with their offspring – a memory each one of us will dole on.

May was also the season for the Global School Awards ceremony – yet one more occasion to celebrate! And we did celebrate – celebrated each student for their hard work, diligence, and commitment. The faces and strides exuded confidence and pride – pride in their efforts and the confidence to take on the world. The GSA awards reiterate Pele’s old adage that the world swears by - Success is no accident. As educators, all we wish upon our students is the ability and power to define success for themselves, characters even more so. May this award be just one of the countless accolades that will come their way.

 We at GIIS EC go out of our way to value and appreciate the treasures of our rich vernacular languages. A community runs the risk of being anomie if the subsequent generations fail to appreciate vernacular language. We would rather walk the talk when we organise either Hindi or Tamil language week. Students are initiated into this colourful world of words that inspire imagination and wonder. Through vibrant posters and stories and parades, students are encouraged to dip themselves in this endless ocean. We humbly endeavour to ignite the spark of appreciation and love for language. May this spark make a wildfire…

In pursuit of providing a full school experience to our children, the team IBDP has been consistently working hard to ensure that we would commence the IBDP course at EC at the earliest. In this regard, I am glad to inform you that we received the consultancy report with no MTBAs (Matters to be addressed) and a lot of appreciation for the team. As part of the next steps in the process, submitted the Authorisation application, a major step towards opening IBDP classes.

And finally…. we have saved the best for the last…CBSE 10 board results are out!

The GIIS EC students have performed exceedingly well, with 50% of the cohort scoring above 90% and a school average of 86.6% in the 2023 CBSE Examinations! A huge round of applause for Shriyans Maddikunta for topping the cohort with an astounding 95.4% closely followed by Riya Mehta with 94.8%! We are indeed proud of each and every student we have nurtured and mentored for their stellar performance and wish each of them the best life has to offer.

The much-awaited summer break is almost here. May all of us take this opportunity to re-energise, re-organise and rejuvenate. See you all on the other side of the break…

Thank you.


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