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January 30, 2024

RejuveNight: A Stellar Cosmic Adventure at GIIS Bannerghatta

“Be aware of the stars and infinity on high. Then life seems almost enchanted after all.” - Vincent Van Gogh

GIIS Bannerghata hosted a starry adventure night - RejuveNight. It was a starry night of extravaganza and cosmic adventure that engaged students in an amazing potpourri of exciting activities.

This evening of magical experiences sought to unleash the creativity and imagination of our students. A bouquet of activities was conducted on the GIIS Bannerghatta to bring out the hidden artists, hikers, scientists and nature lovers hiding in each student.

Our pottery artisans left no stone unturned in creating unique masterpieces of clay that aligned perfectly with the creativity of the master creator of the cosmos. The cosmic blockbuster created by our Movie Night Team was a dream come true as their enthusiasm turned a simple screening into a starry masterpiece.

The stargazing enthusiasts envisioned and captured a spectacular starry night on the canvas of the universe while our Campfire Champions added the warmth and spark to ignite a feeling of shared connection and bonding over a campfire.

Lastly, the Trailblazing Trekkers and Tent Night Trailblazers added the much-appreciated adventurous spirit that brought out the magic of the starry night. It was truly a night of celestial symphony wherein every cosmic adventurer added their melody to the epiphany of creating a beautiful cosmic orchestra and a night to cherish forever.

This initiative is an example of learning beyond classroom boundaries. At GIIS, we ensure that our students get an education that is a perfect balance between academics and future skills development.

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