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January 30, 2024

Prioritizing Safety and Well-being at GIIS Bannerghatta

“Safety first is safety always.” - by Charles M Hayes

At GIIS Bannerghatta, the safety and well-being of the students is always our top priority. As a part of our initiative to proactively sensitise the students, we conducted a safety week celebration where the GMP students were taken through various safety measures to practice in different scenarios. 

Students were taken through good touch, bad touch, private parts, and how to react to bad touch. They were also taught about basic road signs, traffic lights, zebra crossing and more. The purpose of this was to give them awareness of rules and safety measures to avoid accidents while being on the road.

As the week progressed, the tiny tots learned how to react in case of a fire emergency and the importance of a fire drill. This gave them an idea of how to respond in case of a sudden fire emergency. Lastly, students were sensitised to say no to strangers offering sweets, chocolates, etc. using a pretend play set-up.

At GIIS Bannerghatta, we believe in creating leaders for life. Our 9GEMS model is truly an innovative model that uses an age-appropriate and adaptive approach to allow students to evolve as they grow. While academic excellence is emphasised at every level, we also focus on ethics, discipline, creativity, personality development and universal values.

 Initiatives such as these strive to make students aware of the common dangers and how to deal with them as and when they occur. We go the extra mile to ensure a safe environment that nurtures our student to learn and grow to the best of their potential. Such experiences make our students future-wise and help them in their journey of emerging as successful global citizens of the 21st century!

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