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December 14, 2023

Musical brilliance unleashed: Sheykhar Ravjiani's 14th solo release features a 17-year-old prodigy from Global Schools-Sheykhar Ravjiani School of Music


Celebrated Indian musician and singer Sheykhar Ravjiani has unveiled his 14th single of the year, "Ishq-E-Mareez," under his renowned label Garuudaa Music. This musical masterpiece not only highlights Ravjiani's unparalleled talent but also introduces the soulful voice of Zehlin, a 17-year-old prodigy from GIIS Abu Dhabi. She is also a member of Global Schools-Sheykhar Ravjiani School of Music (GSSRSM).


The launch event, held at GSG’s Witty International School, featured an engaging press conference with Ravjiani, GSG India Country Director Mr. Ashish Tibdewal, and Chairman and Founder of GSF - Mr. Atul Temurnikar along with Zehlin, providing insights into the song's creation and the inspiring vision behind it. Sheykhar Ravjiani expressed his pride in Zehlin's contribution, citing her as one of his most promising students from Global Indian International School, part of the GSG network.


Zehlin, visibly grateful, shared her excitement, calling this opportunity a dream come true moment that she believes will pave the way for her future in the music industry.


The GSSRSM, a collaboration between Ravjiani and GSG initiated three years ago, stands as a testament to Ravjiani's commitment to nurturing artistic talent. This partnership provides aspiring musicians like Zehlin unparalleled access to top-quality training, learning materials, and a rich repository of videos and audio examples under Ravjiani's mentorship.


GSG, an initiative of the Global Schools Foundation (GSF), boasts 12 international schools globally, emphasizing holistic education beyond academics. GSG India Country Director Mr. Ashish Tibdewal highlighted the focus on identifying, grooming, and promoting talent across various domains, offering students opportunities to excel in their areas of interest.


GIIS Bannerghatta takes immense pride in witnessing Zehlin's accomplishment, yet another shining moment for a GIIS student under the GSF umbrella. This achievement reflects GIIS's commitment to nurturing diverse talents, fostering an environment where students can explore and excel in various fields, including the arts.


Ravjiani's dedication to musical education extends globally, enriching the musical landscape in schools affiliated with the Global Schools Group. The success of Zehlin and the GSSRSM further solidifies Ravjiani's legacy as a mentor and music maestro, symbolizing the harmonious blend of talent, mentorship, and a commitment to nurturing musical brilliance.


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