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December 25, 2023

Immerse in pink delight: GIIS Bannerghatta Smart Campus sparks creativity with Peppa Pig-Themed workshop for kindergartners

In a burst of color and creativity, the corridors of GIIS Bannerghatta Smart Campus recently witnessed a kaleidoscope of pink as students at the kindergarten level engaged in a delightful Peppa Pig-themed workshop. The campus, designed to foster unique experiences for students, resonated with the color of calm, comfort, and creativity. The Pink Wonderland welcomed the little learners, setting the stage for an extraordinary day filled with activities that not only entertained but also played a crucial role in enhancing their cognitive abilities.


The excitement began with a vibrant pink board adorned with the Peppa Pig theme, instantly capturing the attention and imagination of the students. The air buzzed with anticipation as the young minds dived into a series of hands-on activities that promised to stimulate various aspects of their development.


The Nursery learners demonstrated their creative flair by upcycling egg trays into Peppa Pig takeaways, a task that not only brought joy but also honed their hand-eye coordination skills. The K1 'A' students, with utmost concentration, crafted adorable bunnies holding carrots, fostering heightened levels of focus. Meanwhile, the K2 'A' students delved into the world of fine motor skills, creating their own headbands adorned with colorful butterflies.


In another corner of the campus, the K2 'B' students unveiled their craftiness by crafting teddy bears, showcasing not only creativity but also boosting their artistic prowess. The activities not only provided a platform for self-expression but also highlighted the commitment of GIIS Bannerghatta to go beyond conventional education, offering unique experiences that contribute to the holistic development of each student.


The Pink Wonderland extravaganza at GIIS Bannerghatta Smart Campus stands as a testament to the institution's dedication to providing an environment that not only educates but also nurtures creativity, innovation, and the overall well-being of its students


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