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March 07, 2024

Grade 1 & 2 Field Trip to Big Barn Nature Camp: Enjoying the delights of nature

GIIS Bannerghatta’s grade I and II students embarked on a delightful journey through a field trip to Big Barn Nature Camp, that helped them enjoy the splendours of nature and the wonders of farm life. Spread across several acres of lush land, The Big Barn offered a picturesque setting adorned with a variety of trees, colourful flowers, and an abundance of natural beauty.

GIIS Bannerghatta children were treated to an array of enriching activities under the guidance of the camp staff. The little ones kick-started their exciting journey by jumping on trampolines. 

Their first green activity kicked off in the gardening area, where they eagerly planted seeds in pots while soaking in valuable gardening tips and learning about the importance of composting. Next, they were led to the cow and bull feeding area, where they gained insight into the fascinating process of rumination, deepening their appreciation for these gentle creatures.

The adventurous journey got more exciting as the children proceeded to interact with a menagerie of animals, including rabbits, iguanas, and ferrets, revelling in the diversity of life around them. Their excitement and joy only intensified as they observed turkeys, ducks, and other feathered friends, fostering a newfound connection to the avian world.

A noteworthy highlight of the day was the visit to the fish pond, where children delighted in feeding the colourful fish while learning about aquatic ecosystems. A thrilling ride in a tractor added the cherry to the cake of the farm experience! Their laughter echoed across the fields as they soaked in the sights and sounds of rural life from atop their trusty steed.

The day was not only filled with fun, excitement and experiential learning, but it also created beautiful memories of bonding and connecting. At GIIS, we ensure a holistic and enriching learning experience for our students that instils a love for learning in their hearts. Our unique and balanced 9GEMS framework ensures a perfect blend of academic and extra-curricular learning to create well-rounded future-ready citizens of the 21st century!

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