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December 18, 2023

GIIS Smart Campus Bannerghatta: Igniting brilliance and team spirit in a grand sports day


GIIS Smart Campus in Bannerghatta recently hosted a spectacular annual sports event, offering a captivating showcase of talent, sportsmanship, and unbridled enthusiasm. The distinguished Chief Guest for this remarkable occasion was Mr. Surya Sen, the dynamic Executive Director of Bannerghatta Biological Park.


From the spirited march past by students in Grades 5 to 9 to the endearing Soldier Race participated by Nursery kids, each segment of the event highlighted a spectrum of skills and energy. GMP left spectators in awe with a stunning Ribbon Dance, and K1-A shone in the 'Hoop Yourself' challenge. The day progressed with K2-A's Ball Balancing Race, K2-B's lively Obstacle Race, and Grade 1 stole the spotlight with a precision Drill and an animated Pom Pom performance.


The excitement continued with Grade 2's elegant Flower Drill and an energetic Hula Hoop Race. Umbrella Drill by Grades 3 and 4 and challenges like One Leg Hopping by Grades 3 and 4 added flair, culminating in the Grade 5 event – the Pick and Place, followed by a breathtaking Pyramid Display.


In grade-wise challenges, Grade 6 showcased agility of running backwards , Grade 7 impressed with sideward running, Grade 8 exhibited finesse in the obstacle running event, and Grade 9 displayed basketball finesse in the basketball dribbling race. The inter-house relay added another layer of spirited competition, showcasing vibrant teamwork among participants.


In a momentous conclusion, the Sunflower House claimed the overall victory to thunderous applause, their dedication and teamwork making them the undisputed champions of the day. The enthusiastic participation of parents and grandparents not only etched the sports day into memory but also infused it with lively enthusiasm, providing unwavering support and cheer for their young athletes.


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