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February 23, 2024

GIIS Bannerghatta’s skating superstar Navya shines at the Inter-School Skating Competition

“Skating is an amazing form of self-expression. It’s like my soul at play.” Josee Chouinard

At GIIS, we follow a holistic and dynamic educational framework, that combines the best of integrated global educational approaches. The award-winning 9GEMS model takes learning beyond academics with an equal focus on sports, skills and values.

Skating is a great way for children to stay fit and active. It teaches a new skill, whether it's learning about balance or incorporating skating stretches, it helps you master new skills and push yourself to new heights. Studies have also shown that regular physical activities relieve stress, refocus your mind, improve your mood and help kids learn more effectively.

We are happy to share that our focus on sports excellence was reflected in the accolades won by our Skating Superstar Navya Bidasaria, who has brought laurels to GIIS Bannerghatta. It is a pleasure to acknowledge Navya's exceptional performance in the Mother Mary Inter-School Skating Competition. We appreciate and acknowledge her outstanding skating prowess, unwavering dedication, and commitment that propelled her towards success.

At GIIS, we emphasise on academic excellence but also focus on other aspects of student growth including sports excellence, skills development, leadership skills, artistic skills and universal values. This achievement of our skating champion is a testament to GIIS Ahmedabad’s commitment to nurturing sports excellence in students.

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