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March 01, 2024

GIIS Bannerghatta - Sun Gazing their way into brilliance

“Keep your face always toward the sunshine and shadows will fall behind you.” Walt Whitman

At GIIS, we believe in promoting hands-on experiential learning to ensure that our students emerge as well-equipped future-ready citizens. Keeping this in mind, GIIS Bannerghatta organized a Sungazing session for kindergarten students, which helped them grasp and understand the concept effectively.  This activity generated a lot of excitement and enthusiasm as the young ones eagerly awaited their turn to view the sun through the school’s telescope.

This experiment was conducted under the able guidance of a teacher. The young scientists had an illuminating and enjoyable experience studying the giant sun right through the lens of a telescope. They then proceeded to illustrate their learning in their worksheets thus visually etching the captivating moment on the canvas of time. They also discussed the source and energy which were added to their observations. At GIIS Bannerghatta, we ensure that such scientific topics are integrated into an environmentally rich curriculum.

At GIIS, we follow a dynamic educational framework that merges the best of global educational approaches and is aimed at fostering the all-round development of students through an integrated, holistic approach to learning. The award-winning 9GEMS model takes learning beyond academics with an equal focus on sports, skills and values. As a result of this type of experiential and holistic learning, the students develop inquiry and thinking skills as they explore problems and phenomenon-based learning.

What makes 9GEMS truly innovative is its balanced, age-appropriate and adaptive approach to student development which makes them well-evolved personalities. Activities at GIIS result in deeper learning experiences for students, helping them to understand and process the coursework better, as they advance to upper grades.

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