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January 01, 2024

A December to Remember at GIIS Bannerghatta!

Dear Parents,


As we bid farewell to December, I am delighted to share the highlights of an exceptional month filled with achievements, innovation, and spirited participation.


We commenced on a joyous note with our students and teachers receiving accolades at the RWCC held at Singapore SMART Campus. This set the tone for a month brimming with energy and enthusiasm.


Our Annual Sports Day ’23 witnessed the vibrant spirit of our students, showcasing their athleticism and team spirit. It was a day of healthy competition, camaraderie, and memorable moments that will linger in our hearts.


Innovation Week at GIIS Bannerghatta was a spectacle of innovative  teaching methods and creative learning experiences. The campus buzzed with curiosity as students engaged in activities designed to stimulate their minds, encourage self-directed learning, and spark a passion for innovation.


The Pink Wonderland event was a magical experience for our little learners, offering a day filled with activities that not only entertained but also played a vital role in enhancing their cognitive abilities. The vibrant atmosphere echoed the joy of learning.


I am thrilled to announce the outstanding achievements of Navya Bidasaria of K2A, who participated in state-level competitions. Her accomplishments, including a gold medal in Skating-200 meters, a silver medal in Relay Race, and a bronze medal in the 400 meters race, fill us with immense pride.


As we reflect on the success and growth of December, I extend my gratitude to our dedicated staff, enthusiastic students, and supportive parents. Here's to a new year filled with more achievements, innovation, and a commitment to nurturing young minds.


Best Regards,

Tr. Girish R Arabbi

Principal, GIIS Bannerghatta


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