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February 19, 2021

Pre-Primary kids learn clock mechanism in an interesting way

At GIIS, we strongly believe that conceptual and skill-based learning sharpens decision-making capabilities in students. The experienced teachers of GIIS Balewadi have been putting all their efforts into making kids understand various concepts in the most interesting way so that they have a practical understanding of the concepts and are able to learn through experience. As part of the constant effort in that direction, the Pre-Primary wing of the Global Indian International School (GIIS), Balewadi organised a fun-learning maths activity for the little champs on 18th Feb 2021. 

During this activity, the tiny tots were made to understand the importance of time, and how one should manage it well and utilize it in a constructive way. Teachers explained in brief about the clock parts by making the kids understand the importance of the minute hand, second hand, hour hand, and along with that overall mechanism of clock was also explained to them in detail.

This special assembly helped students of K1 and K2 to participate actively in activities like - making handmade wall clock with the available coloured papers and sketch pens at home. A small ppt presentation was also shown to students in order to make them understand how to read and tell time correctly by pointing out fingers on the crafted clock made by them. The little munchkins were seen enjoying the activity of displaying the hand-made clock and they were too excited to ask questions relevant to the clock and time reading. 

The key objective behind this activity was to provide them an opportunity to brainstorm and come up with new and creative ideas, which left their teachers and academic coordinators surprised.  It was indeed a memorable and exciting opportunity for the children to learn things in a very creative way and develop conceptual skills. The kids were seen quite fascinated and cherishing the joy of making hand-made clocks under the guidance of their parents and teachers.

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