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March 20, 2023

GIIS Balewadi Little Graduates step onto the Ist Stepping Stone of their Academic Journey

Kindergarten graduation day is an exciting and memorable event for both parents and children. It marks the end of the early years of learning and beginning of a new chapter in the child's academic journey. The graduation ceremony is a celebration of the child's growth, development, and achievements during their time in kindergarten.


GIIS Balewadi celebrated this milestone of KG2 students of the academic year 2022-23 on the school campus. KG2 students inaugurated the ceremony and sang the morning prayer. Pre-primary teachers, Palak Jain and Maitreeyee Bose welcomed  Principal sir, Dr. NKP Ashok Raj, and chief guest, Ms. Maneesha Gupta, Director of Student Life, Avasara Academy. She pursued her Bachelor's degree in Education from Annamalai University and is skilled in coaching, classroom instruction, student development, employee engagement, and organizational development. She has been working in the education sector since 1998.


After some endearing words by our guest of honors, students were felicitated by graduating certificates. Receiving a feather on their cap as ‘graduates’ was a delightful moment for everyone to witness. The roaring sound of applause by the parents made the ceremony a success. 


In the end, pre-primary teachers sang a song to wish their beloved students all the very best for their journey ahead. As the ceremony moved towards its closure, both teachers and little munchkins got emotional about leaving behind all the loving memories and experiences they have shared with one another over the last year. Ceremony concluded with tons of hugs and blessings from teachers to their students followed by a picture-clicking session.  With a heart full of hope to build a promising future by taking along the past, little souls threw their graduation hats up in the air to showcase their happiness and excitement as they begin a new chapter of their academic life.


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