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July 31, 2023

GIIS Balewadi congratulates its singing prodigies for triumph at Global Indian Stars, 2023 competition

In a stunning display of musical brilliance, GIIS Balewadi campus students left an indelible mark at the recently concluded Global Indian Stars 2023 competition hosted by GIIS Singapore. Sharanya Subramanyan, a talented vocalist from Class IX-B, secured the coveted first prize in the sub-senior category, while the accomplished Devika Ankulge from Class X-A triumphed in the senior category, making the school proud of the remarkable talent nurtured at the campus.


Global Indian Stars, an esteemed inter-school competition organized by GIIS East Coast campus, celebrates the melodic talents of young singers from GIIS campuses and other international schools in Singapore. This platform provides a stage for budding vocalists to showcase their musical prowess, spanning diverse genres, including semi-classical, Bollywood, and Western music.


The competition's primary objective was to identify and nurture emerging talents, fostering a sense of musical unity among participants. Beyond showcasing their skills, Global Indian Stars empowers these young singers to gain confidence and evolve on their musical journey.


With intense and rigorous performances spanning over several weeks, participants strived to outshine each other on this prestigious platform. This enriching experience allows GIIS to identify students with a natural inclination and passion for singing, inspiring them to pursue their dreams and providing the necessary training within the school.


GIIS Balewadi takes immense pride in the remarkable achievements of Sharanya Subramanyan and Devika Ankulge. Their triumphs not only reflect their dedication and hard work but also exemplifies the school's commitment to nurturing creative talents and fostering a culture of artistic excellence.


As GIIS, Balewadi congratulates its singing prodigies and looks forward to witnessing more aspiring vocalists shine on such global platforms that reaffirm the importance of music as a unifying force and an enriching avenue for personal growth.


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