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July 05, 2021

Special Session on ‘Heartfulness’ for students and parents at GIIS Ahmedabad

GIIS Ahmedabad had successfully launched one of its best practices -‘Happiness through Heartfulness’ in the Academic Year 2020-21.

Under this initiative, a special programme called ‘Heartfulness Experience Life's Potential’ is being undertaken exclusively for the students of Grades 10, 11, and 12. ‘Heartfulness Experience Life's Potential’ or HELP is a 20-sessions certificate course for students on life skills and holistic well-being through Heartfulness practices for self-development and inner-excellence. Online interactive sessions are being conducted regularly by experts in the field as part of the programme.

Besides this, Heartfulness Relaxation sessions with Audio Visuals and guided steps are organized for the teachers throughout the year to train them for conducting such sessions for the students before beginning their classes.

A special session was conducted in this new academic session for the students and parents of Nursery to Grade 12 under the Leadership Lecture Series for familiarizing them with the concept of ‘Heartfulness’. The representatives were Ms. Swati Patel and Mr. Bharat Madhavan from the Heartfulness Team. In this highly informative and enriching session, they both explained the benefits of practicing the techniques of Heartfulness in daily lives through demonstrations and easy-to-understand steps.

Mr. Caesar D’silva said in his speech during the session, “While the current education system is giving enough focus towards the academic excellence of students, it is equally essential to address the socio-emotional well-being and physical and mental health of students for their holistic development, so that they become well- rounded and balanced individuals. Such inner development has to be nurtured gently with the right tools and techniques that allow students to absorb and imbibe essential life skills through experience and direct perception. The Heartfulness Programme will provide the right combination of skills, tools, and practices that will help students to open up their minds and hearts towards a positive and balanced approach to life.”

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