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June 05, 2023

Young learners participate in role play activities honouring community helpers

SMART Campus CBSE Grade 2 students recently participated in an engaging and educational role-play activity centred around community helpers. The idea behind the initiative was to broaden the students' understanding of the diverse roles community members play in improving and facilitating daily lives.


During the enrichment programme, students came to school dressed up as doctors, police officers, firefighters, teachers, and other community workers, bringing the roles to life with their creativity and enthusiasm. Through the dynamic and entertaining role-play, the young learners passionately portrayed the responsibilities of each community helper, showcasing their skills and ingenuity.


The activity gave the young learners an opportunity to gain firsthand knowledge about various professions, at the same time contributing to their personal development. By immersing themselves in the roles of community helpers, the students enhanced their self-assurance, stage presence, and communication abilities. The activity served as a platform for them to express themselves, building confidence and fostering their public speaking skills.


The event not only expanded their knowledge and empathy but also instilled in them a sense of respect and admiration for the important work performed by community helpers. It was a valuable experience that will contribute to their holistic education and nurture a lifelong curiosity and appreciation for the diverse roles within their communities.


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