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January 16, 2023

Outstanding achievement of secondary students at the International Business Olympiad 2022

A team of five IB Year 2 students from GIIS SMART Campus has made a significant achievement by winning third position at the International Business Olympiad (IBO) 2022 held on Dec 3 and 4, 2022. The competition saw participation from 156 competitors from 20 countries and tested the students' knowledge and comprehension abilities in the field of business.


The students representing GIIS SMART Campus won both individual and team medals. The participants are Athulitha Bhuvaneshwaram, Pranaveshwar Sathiyamoorthi, Shrijan Nimmakayala, Aakash Jayadeep, and Nithish Kumar.


As part of the competition, the students participated in two exams including the Objective Test and Interactive Objective Case wherein they had to answer multiple-choice and material-based objective questions. The competition also tested their on-site learning and comprehension abilities and knowledge of business theories during the 120 minutes.


Next, the participants received the case material for the Open Case Analysis part and took 24 hours to prepare for the team presentation demonstrating their business thinking and problem-solving abilities to solve general problems with business knowledge.


Their outstanding achievement is a testament to the hard work and dedication they have put in to excel in their field of interest. The final results of the GIIS students are:

Team average performance: Bronze medalist - Global 3rd place

Team open case analysis: Global 5th place

Individual business (aggregated) award: Athulitha Bhuvaneshwaram - Gold medal, Pranaveshwar Sathiyamoorthi - Silver medal, Shrijan Nimmakayala - Silver medal, Aakash Jayadeep - Silver medal, Nithish Kumar - Silver medal

Individual Objective test: Athulitha - Global 6th place

Pranaveshwar - Global 13th place

Nithish - Global 17th place

Individual Interactive Objective Case

Athulitha - Global 11th place

Shrijan - Global 11th place



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