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May 23, 2022

Kindergarten students participate in a green fancy dress activity showcasing their love for the environment

SMART Campus kindergarten students had a fun-filled day on May 17, 2022, as they put their best foot forward adorning creatively designed outfits made out of recycled materials. As part of the initiative, the students selected interesting themes and designed unique outfits out of waste materials such as cardboard, coloured papers, paper rolls, straws, etc. 


It was a fantastic opportunity for the students as they showcased their creativity with confidence at the same time raise awareness about the significance of going green. Some students conveyed the message about the 3 R’s of waste management- Reduce, Reuse, Recycle as they described their costumes and the materials used to aesthetically create them in front of their teachers and peers.


GIIS takes such initiatives time and again which provides a platform for the young learners to hone their oratory skills at the same time inculcate good moral values and social responsibilities in them so that they become responsible citizens of tomorrow.   


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