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October 05, 2021

GIIS SMART Campus celebrates Gandhi Jayanti on the great leader’s 152nd birthday

The GIIS SMART Campus celebrated and honoured the Father of the Nation on his 152nd birthday through a virtual Gandhi Jayanti event.

The virtual audience consisted of students, parents, teachers and staff. The event also saw various guests joining in including His Excellency Mr P Kumaran, High Commissioner of India to Singapore, Mr Alexander Charles, President of United Nations Association of Singapore, Mr Harikrishnan Muthusamy, President of Global Organization of People of Indian Origin (GOPIO), Mr Chandramohan Maruthan, Vice President of GOPIO as well as GSF chairman Mr Atul Temurnikar. The guests came together to honour the Mahatma and share their thoughts on the great leader’s teachings and values.

The event was also made entertaining by the students of GIIS SMART Campus, who put up beautiful dance performances for the virtual audience. A video was also played, wherein a rangoli of Gandhiji was illustrated. The event concluded with everyone singing the National Anthem in unison.

GIIS has always followed in the footsteps of Mahatma Gandhi by spreading his teachings and values amongst the students, making them qualified leaders of tomorrow. Hence, it was an honour for the entire school to have celebrated the Mahatma’s birthday, remembering his valuable lessons and promising to inculcate them in everyday life. 

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