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October 22, 2020

First lessons of Entrepreneurship at GIIS BizCon 2020

Written by: Aditi Prasad, IB Year 2

GIIS BizCon 2020, an initiative by GIIS to expose students to the corporate world, was conducted virtually from 23rd to 25th September.

The conference simulated company rivalries and other challenges and crisis that are faced by the corporate world. Grade 9 to 12 students played the role of the Board of Directors of global companies and pitted against each other as industry leaders.

The BizCon 2020 featured 4 rivalries that have been existing in the corporate world - Pizza Hut vs. Dominos, Sony vs. Microsoft, Nike vs. Adidas and the world-famous, Pepsi vs. Coca-Cola. Students engaged in making key business decisions to gain a win over their rivals. Every scenario had a crisis which tested the participants’ spontaneity and problem-solving skills.

The inaugural edition of the BizCon was managed by Raman Gupta and Aditi Prasad of Grade 12 who mentored their juniors in carrying forward the spirit of innovation and leadership.

Sixteen participants were felicitated with ‘Best Director’ and ‘Honorable Mention’ awards in the closing ceremony which was held virtually.

Sixteen-year-old Ayushmaan Khurana, who was one of the 130 students who took part in GIIS BizCon 2020, represented Sony’s Director of Finance and worked along with the rest of the Sony Board to formulate comprehensive action plans and make key business decisions. He shared his experience, “It was the most engaging debate experience I have ever been a part of. The case mechanism, analysis of market share, formula sheet and the crisis scenarios were all very well designed, and gave me a wonderful insight into how these global companies function, and what are the various factors affecting different markets. Everything in BizCon was realistic and dynamic. A highly stimulating experience!”.

GIIS BizCon 2020 was an ambitious initiative by GIIS that enabled its students to experience the world from the perspective of global companies and brands.

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