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February 01, 2024

Ananya Sanoob's Musical Journey: From campus to spotlight

GIIS SMART Campus’ student Ananya Sanoob from CLSP 7 reached a remarkable milestone by emerging as one of the top two performers for the ZeeTamil Saregamapa Season 3 APAC Special on November 26, 2023.


Ananya's journey has been truly extraordinary, starting with her recognition as one of the Top 5 contestants across the entire APAC region. Her dedication and talent shone brightly during a rigorous performance in Kuala Lumpur, where she was handpicked as one of the top 2 contestants by the esteemed judges of ZEE Saregamapa. As a result of her outstanding performance, Ananya was invited to perform live in Chennai and was interviewed by the ZeeSaregamapa team.


Ananya is also a student of the Global Schools Sheykhar Ravjiani School of Music, a fantastic platform that nurtures talented budding singers across Global Schools Foundation campuses and allows them to showcase their musical prowess. As part of the programme, selected students receive personalised mentorship under Sheykhar through virtual as well as face-to-face lessons.


Ananya’s achievement is a testament to her unwavering dedication and hard work. It also reflects the school’s commitment to nurturing students' talents and providing them with numerous platforms to explore their skills and abilities in various fields.


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