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July 20, 2019

Ambassador Aftab Seth takes over as President of Global Schools Foundation

Ambassador Aftab Seth is the new the president of Global Schools Foundation, the governing board has announced. Ambassador Seth, who was initially associated as Chair of the GIIS Japan Board since 2006, has taken over his new responsibilities effective July 15, 2019. Erstwhile president Mr Chandu Borde will continue to be a patron of GSF.

Ambassador Seth has been Vice President of GSF since past few years. Ambassador Seth served as India’s Ambassador to Vietnam, Greece and held many other prestigious diplomatic positions in Indian Embassies around the world. Under his guidance, GIIS Japan has expanded operations to two campuses - with 50% of students belonging to the local Japanese community. 

Ambassador Seth is Professor Emeritus at Kenichi Ohmae Institute of Management in Tokyo.  He was the first director and professor of the Global Security Research Institute in Keio University Tokyo, the oldest university in Japan.

He helped set up Group 30, a group of top Japanese universities, initiated by Prime Minister Fukuda in 2008, which seeks to promote higher education in Japan and abroad including in countries like India.

Ambassador Seth has lectured often on subjects connected with Japan and other countries, at the Foreign Service Institute in Delhi, for the Public Diplomacy Division of the Ministry of External Affairs at various universities in India and for think tanks in Delhi, Bombay and elsewhere.

He is a former member of the management board of the Indian Institute of Foreign Trade in New Delhi, a former visiting professor at the Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai and a former visiting Professor at Konan University in Kobe.

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