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September 28, 2022

80 top-notch universities from around the world participated in University Fair 2022

GIIS SMART Campus hosted its much-awaited annual event University Fair, 2022 on Sept 17 in which 80 Universities from around the world participated. The idea was to provide a platform for the parents and students to interact with representatives from different top-notch universities worldwide. 


The event was held in person after a gap of two years and gave the parents and students useful insights on the key topics related to university applications such as undergraduate programmes, scholarships, and the application process. All these inputs will maximise their chances of getting into the top universities of the world. 


This year, the fair saw four reputed universities of the world namely; the University of Toronto, Imperial College of London, University of California, LA, and the University of Cambridge conducted a talk session with parents. 


Overall, it was a fruitful event and benefitted a large number of parents and students. The initiative is in line with GIIS’ aim to lay strong foundations for its students so that they are better equipped with information and plan their further studies. 


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