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October 09, 2018

Peace Fiesta promotes unity, harmony and brotherhood

Commemorating ideals of peace and harmony among both people and nations, Peace Fiesta was organized in October 2018, at the Global Indian International School (GIIS), Noida campus. It was a school wide event where students from the middle, secondary and senior secondary wing participated in various activities based on the theme.

The special celebrations began with chanting of divine 'Gayatri Mantra' and briefing the students with the objectives of conducting the event. It was then followed by a creative and constructive session of activities that were allotted to each class a week before. Children participated in activities like card making, poster making, preparing peace tree, peace umbrella and models of peace, poetry and peace magazine making etc.

A peace relay and rally was organized for the students in which they participated whole heartedly with a lot of enthusiasm. Beginning with the event, the Mahatma Gandhi statue was garlanded by Mr. Ganesh Sharma (Principal), along with all segment heads and coordinators. The head boy and head girl of the school opened the event with a quote by Mahatma Gandhi, which said. "An eye for an eye only ends up making whole world blind" - A small quote with a profound meaning that awakes the whole world to realize and stand for one of the major global concerns - 'Peace' and reiterate the need of maintaining and securing peace in the world.

The peace relay had students from each class (house wise) participating in a relay race with messages of peace in their hands which they had to pass on to the person standing on the next lap. Ms. Vaijayanti Tonpe - Author Scholastic India, joined the students in the rally as they set the ambience and spirit of the celebrations by transforming every nook and corner of the school - from cafeteria to the ground, from Principal’s office to the reception, from classes to corridors, everything with the shades of peace and its symbols. They had lit the campus with so much positivity and grandeur.

The Peace Fiesta was one of the significant initiatives of GIIS Noida to promote, preach and propagate the most important religion of humanity i.e. professing peace by organizing Peace Fiesta to mark the 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma and pay reverence to him by upholding his virtues. The event kept the sanctity of our school’s tradition and was in consonance with the MGCUV as we at GIIS, believe in the pragmatic ideals propagated by Mahatma Gandhi ji and the core values of our school are very much derived from his name.

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