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August 21, 2018

Independence Day celebrations light up the campus with patriotism

"Freedom is sacred and one must do everything to ensure that it is not endangered." Said students of Global Indian International School (GIIS), Noida while celebrating the 72nd Independence Day in campus in August 2018, with a lot of emotions and pride.

The pre-primary and primary wing held separate celebrations for their respective set of students. It was a day full of patriotism as our students took an oath to protect the long fought freedom and become responsible citizens of the country.

Montessori wing of the school conducted a special assembly which was all about the diversity of our country. The theme of the assembly was Incredible India, and was presented by KG -E students. The assembly was directed towards showcasing the rich cultural heritage in terms of religions, festivals, dance forms, etc. The day began with presenting different states according to regions in a colourful manner i.e. folk dances of north, east, south, etc. regions were performed by our little munchkins on the stage. The highlight of the assembly was a group dance on Mile Sur Mera Tumhara to depict that India is one and so are its people; no matter how different people are, they live happily and in harmony with each other's existence.

The Independence Day celebrations at the primary wing were all about sensitizing the youth with true meaning of Independence. Children today often get confused on how being independent contributes to their social security and well-being; the special assembly was intended to make them understand the actual worth of Independence and take them through the struggle our freedom fighters did to achieve it from the British Raj. The celebrations also constituted a short skit presented by grade 3 students that thrusted on non-violent ways of achieving peace and harmony. The literary club came next with an English and Hindi rendition of the important things learned on the topic. An inter-house patriotic competition was also organized for the students to participate and showcase their love for Mother India; while judges were busy deciding the winner of the inter-house competition, students from grades 3-5 presented a soulful dance rendition on the patriotic song. The assembly concluded with declaration of the inter-house patriotic song competition results, followed by our National Anthem.

In addition to this, the school staff, teachers and support staff came together on 15th August morning to hoist the National flag. National Anthem, followed by few patriotic songs marked the 72nd Independence Day celebrations. Sweets were also distributed among teachers, staff and support staff of the school.

The celebrations were focused on helping students imbibe values of humanity. Also, encourage them to dedicate themselves towards establishment of peace by avoiding wars or other violent acts that refrain people from living in peace and harmony.

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