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January 14, 2016

Google Apps Implementation; new age classroom

Google APP

Google AppsA session on Google Apps implementation was held at GIIS Noida to introduce a collaborative tool to regular classroom learning. Global Indian International School campuses of Chinchwad, Japan, Bangalore, Noida and Ahmedabad participated in the session. Teachers from all GllS campuses shared their experiences of their way of applying the Google Apps in the classrooms ranging from classes from VI to XI. Topics from subjects like English, Mathematics, Science, Social Science etc. were used for pilot run. GllS Noida also applied integrated subject approach while designing a Google Lesson. Students from GIIS Tokyo campus shared their experience and views enthusiastically. Most of the teachers applied the Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Maps, Google Drawing. While some of the teachers also tried new app like ‘Flubaro’ (app for on-line correction), others shared their experience of using Flipped Class technique to introduce the concept. Some took the discussion one step ahead and drew everyone’s attention to use ‘Differentiated Instructions’. Google Apps can be used for sharing information, class announcements and providing assessments with due dates etc. It was indeed an interesting session which ended with a lot of learning and a promise to use the technology in a more innovative manner.

An overwhelming response from all campuses on application of Google Apps in classroom set the ball rolling.

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