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June 11, 2024

Young Minds Shine at the MSSD Bangsar Chess Tournament 2024

Seri Saujana Secondary School hosted the MSSD Bangsar Chess Tournament from May 2nd to 23rd, 2024. The inter-school event saw young minds clash in a battle of strategy and intellect across two age categories: Under-12 (girls) and Under-15 (boys).

The competition featured Tarani, a determined young player from Standard 8, and Saidarahas from Standard 9C. Coached by Mr Ng, both students displayed exceptional talent throughout the matches.

The tournament format involved eight rounds played over three days, with each victory propelling participants closer to the coveted tournament title. Tarani's strategic prowess secured her a win in the qualifying rounds, earning her a chance to compete at the state level. Saidarahas, showcasing his tactical brilliance, clinched a well-deserved bronze medal, guaranteeing his place in the upcoming state matches scheduled for July 2024.

This chess tournament aligns perfectly with Malaysia's 9GEMS, specifically Gem 2: Sports Excellence and Gem 9: Skill Development. It also contributes to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 3: Good Health and Well-being and SDG 5: Gender Equality. By fostering a competitive spirit and honing strategic thinking, chess empowers young minds while promoting inclusivity in the world of sports.

The MSSD Bangsar Chess Tournament not only identified talented young players like Tarani and Saidarahas but also served as a platform to develop their skills and nurture a passion for the game.


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