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October 31, 2020

Healthy Eating habits introduced to Kindergartners

It was a bright sunny day and the young chefs of KG 1 at GIIS Dubai decided to wear their aprons and chef caps and were all set to take over the kitchen. It was indeed a fun filled activity with learning happening in disguise. 

Cooking with kids is not just fun but it is harnessing their imagination, empowerment and creativity. It can help them develop cognitive skills like thinking, problem-solving, etc. Many of the kindergarteners are picky eaters and bringing them to the kitchen and cook, can help them explore new tastes. Children love to show what they can do and working in the kitchen provides opportunities to gain a sense of accomplishment.

The kindergartners had an exciting activity “Let’s Cook Veggies”. It was a virtual kinder kitchen activity held by the teachers with the parent’s support. The activity is linked to the concept of “healthy eating” and children were provided with an opportunity to make a healthy food choice.

The activity helped the children understand the importance of eating fresh vegetables every day. Easy to cook veggies like Potato, Carrot and Corn kernels were chosen. The teacher demonstrated a simple way to cook the veggies. The children followed the instructions of the teacher and cooked the veggies under the parent supervision. This is linked to the development of basic listening skills. It was pleasure to see the little chefs using various methods for cooking the veggies. It seemed to appeal to their palates.

Kitchen skills provide the tiny tots a platform for holistic development. We hope to have inculcated an important life skill in these young ones.


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