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February 24, 2023

Grades 3 to 8 students took part in an eventful overnight camp at GIIS Dubai!

GIIS Dubai recently organized an overnight camp for students in grades 3 to 5 and 6 to 8. The event offered students an opportunity to bond with each other while engaging in various physical and recreational activities.


During the camp, children in grades 3 to 5 had a blast playing dodge ball and other action-packed games. The following morning, students participated in some light stretches and exercises to help wake them up and prepare for the day ahead. The children were able to improve their flexibility and balance while having fun with their friends.


For grades 6 to 8, the camp included football, basketball and other exciting games that kept the students engaged and entertained throughout the night. They even got to watch the classic movie, Matilda, which added to the fun atmosphere of the event.

The next morning, students participated in a yoga session and went for a run to get their blood pumping and start their day on a positive note. It was a great way for the students to recharge and get some fresh air before heading back to school.


GIIS Dubai focuses on providing students with memorable experiences that promote both physical and social well-being through various initiatives.


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