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May 30, 2023

GIIS Dubai students advocated for a sustainable future through thoughtful activities!

In an effort to instil environmental stewardship and promote a sense of responsibility among the future leaders, GIIS, Dubai stepped up its commitment to sustainability and conservation of the planet. 


Recognising the urgent need to address climate change, GIIS, Dubai has embraced sustainable practices and encouraged students to be mindful and own sustainable development goals. These activities at GIIS, Dubai also drew inspiration from UAE’s ‘Year of Sustainability'.


Students from grades 2 to 8 took the lead in tackling the electronic waste crisis. They attended an eye-opening session on E-Waste management, conducted by Ms. Lupita that promoted the Clean Earth Global Sustainable Initiative.


It was a student-led campaign spearheaded by the GIIS quality circle leaders of E-waste management. The session created awareness about the dangers of unmanaged E-waste and provided solutions on how to dispose of them in an effective way. The campaign brought forward a very positive impact on the students who are now taking initiative to conduct an E-waste management drive in the school and are encouraging everyone to bring  E-waste from their homes to make it recycled.


GIIS Dubai also took this a step further with students of grades 4 and 5 participating in a competition where they designed and presented their ideas for sustainable cities with a focus on geometrical principles. This activity helped foster creativity, critical thinking and environmental consciousness while promoting sustainable urban planning.


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