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July 12, 2022

GIIS, Dubai organizes art sessions for students across grades

At GIIS, Dubai art sessions focus on projects that make students experiment with various art supplies in creative, innovative and exploratory manner. The art session includes discussion about movements in art, how they’ve evolved in the past and how it is still evolving. Our art classes provide activities for students across different levels of interests and abilities. These sessions are excellent opportunities for students to participate and learn about different art techniques. 


Students across grades engaged in different art activities throughout the month where they explored various art movements, art styles and the role of ancient art in today’s art culture. Middle section students learnt Greek pottery exploring simple, geometric and naturalistic patterns, explored the floral art of renowned artist Georgia O’Keeffe, practiced Romero Britto’s and Giuseppe Arcimboldo’s art style. Students of Grade 5 explored Cubism, a revolutionary art form representing reality invented by artists Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque. Grade 3 -11 students also participated in an art competition based on geometric shapes where they made animals with abstract geometrics and different tangram designs. It was a new and unique opportunity for students to learn and explore shapes through art.


At GIIS, we encourage students to develop their self-expression and creative skills through globally - recognized art forms.


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