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October 30, 2021

GIIS Dubai Kindergarten makes a Scarecrow

Mr. Scarecrow standing tall,

You just don’t scare me at all,

Stuffed with hay from head to toe,

Quite a funny guy you are to know,

Mr. Scarecrow standing tall,

You just don’t scare me at all!

The thought to create a humanoid using waste material and used items was just incredible. The masterminds of KGII’s GIIS Dubai created a Scarecrow mannequin. Children wanted to have one such figure to scare the birds away so that their Al Bustan area remains intact. It is common that the birds feed on newly casted seeds and baby saplings. So, these young children decided to not let this happen. It was wonderful to watch how the kids could relate their learnt concept about 3 R’s – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and were able to implement it to create a useful model.

This activity helped the children enhance their creative, analytical, reasoning skills by interlinking the learnt concepts. It also showcased the care and concern for the living things around their world. So, the social and emotional development which is one of the prime areas of EYS was also tapped on.


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