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April 18, 2024

Excitement and joy abound as students return for a new academic year

The first day of the new academic year began with a buzz of excitement and joy at Global Indian International School Dubai as students returned to school with a new fervour for learning. 

The school's entrance was adorned with colourful banners welcoming students back. Bright flowers and lush greenery lined the pathways, creating a cheerful and inviting atmosphere. The walls of the classrooms had been repainted in calming hues, and the hallways sported inspirational quotes and student artwork.

Eager students gathered in the school courtyard, chatting excitedly as they reconnected with friends they had missed during the break. The energy was palpable as students shared stories of their summer adventures and expressed anticipation for the year ahead.

Teachers were equally enthusiastic about the fresh start, greeting their students with warm smiles and words of encouragement. In many classrooms, teachers kicked off the day with icebreaker activities to help students get to know one another and foster a positive learning environment.

As the school day progressed, students settled into their new schedules, exploring updated facilities and discovering the enhancements made over the break. Clubs and extracurricular activities were introduced, and students eagerly signed up for opportunities to engage in interests beyond academics.

The first day back at school set the tone for a successful academic year ahead, as students, teachers, and parents alike looked forward to new experiences, friendships, and achievements.


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