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February 06, 2024

Green Day celebrations at GIIS Nagpur witness great enthusiasm and fun

Green is one of the most common colours in the natural world. When you contemplate nature in all its glory, you think of greenery and rejuvenation. 

The young learners at GIIS Nagpur embarked on a delightful journey into the world of colours as they celebrated 'Green Day' with great enthusiasm. The school's corridors resonated with joyous laughter as the children revelled in all things green.

The children were encouraged to bring in green objects from home. This activity enhanced their perception of differentiating objects based on their colours by observing their surroundings keenly. The children displayed the items brought from home, which ranged from toys to books and stationery.

The highlight of the day was the green-themed lemon and spoon race. Children balanced a spoon carrying a green lemon, adding a touch of playful competitiveness to the event. 

The children also wore frog-shaped, green wristbands for a fun experience. This creative craft activity allowed the children to showcase their imagination and artistic skills while immersing themselves in fun activities. 

We also screened a green-themed animation movie for the children at MPH to emphasize the importance of conserving nature.

Overall, the Green Day celebration was a resounding success, creating a joyful atmosphere where children not only had fun but also learned about the importance of embracing nature and being environmentally conscious. 

At GIIS Nagpur, our core value of having a curriculum induced with fun and happy elements makes learning a highly productive and enjoyable exercise for our students. We realise that success in the contemporary world relies not just on aptitude, but also on creativity. 

Through our 9 GEMS pedagogy, we ensure a truly innovative programme that uses an age-appropriate and adaptive approach to allow students to evolve as they grow. The idea to celebrate this week is to spread the message about the importance of happiness and well-being in our daily lives.


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