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February 02, 2024

GIIS Nagpur promotes cleanliness and healthy practices during Hygiene Week

At GIIS Nagpur, we believe that maintaining good personal hygiene, having nutritious food, and being in a safe environment are essential for children's emotional, mental, and social well-being. Accordingly, we organised a "Hygiene Week" at the campus to instill these practices in our students.

Our students participated in week-long activities to understand the value of observing personal hygiene and keeping one's environment safe. As part of the programme, our students got to know about germs and how it travels from one person to another, and if they happen to touch a surface that is not clean, they may get the germs that could cause more serious health problems.

Also, we conducted a special assembly at our MPH to raise awareness about the importance of hygiene among students. Ms. Anuradha Goel, an expert in personal hygiene and parent of our K1 student visited the campus to address the assembly on various aspects of hygiene. Also, Ms. Goel put up a skit to highlight various hygiene practices.

Overall, it was an insightful session filled with valuable information on personal hygiene and environmental safety for students. We hope it left a lasting impact on the students and reinforced the importance of practicing good hygiene habits.

At GIIS Nagpur, our core value of having a curriculum with fun and happy elements makes learning highly productive and enjoyable for our students. We realize that success in today’s contemporary world relies not just on aptitude, but also on physical wellbeing. Our annual sports day fest is a testament to this fact. 

Through our 9 GEMS pedagogy, we ensure a truly innovative programme that uses an age-appropriate and adaptive approach to allow students to evolve as they grow.  

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